Visiting EUROBLECH 2018 exhibition

Metalworking managers at TiSO company attended the 25th International sheet metal working technology exhibition EuroBLECH 2018 in Hanover, Germany (10/23/2018 – 10/26/2018).
This exhibition has been held since 1993 once every two years at the Hanover Exhibition Center. The organizer is Mack Brooks Exhibitions Ltd, co-organizer is Deutsche Messe AG.
Some numbers of EuroBLECH 2018:
- Members of 1507 companies from 40 countries
- 56301 visitors from over 100 countries
- Exhibition area: about 89,000 m².
The exhibition featured a large assortment of world-class exhibits and many presentations of digital technologies in action.
Company managers visited the booth of our Bystronic partner.
Equipment manufacturers presented a number of updates, which were the result of World Class Manufacturing concept implementation: — Built-in automation systems; — Introduction of network technologies in production; — Universal solution systems; — Smart services, etc.
These changes will lead to the modernization of customers production sites for future implementations of network solutions.

Also, our metalworking experts witnessed a competition under the slogan «Contribution to digital reality», where winners are selected according to the results of an interactive vote in five nominations:
- «Transition to digital technologies» (TRUMPF Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH Co. Co. KG).
- «Best startup» (Fractory Solutions OÜ). «E-Mobility» (Q-Fin Quality Finishing).
- «E-Mobility» (Q-Fin Quality Finishing).
- «25 EuroBLECH shows».
- «Cyber security».

Our managers took over the experience of sheet metal working industry professionals, discussed the latest innovations, developments, and new products with the exhibitors. Managers of TiSO company give thanks to the organizers and participants of EuroBLECH-2018 for holding the exhibition at a high international level.
Photos taken from the official website of the exhibition